Book: Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs
Acquired: Borders Books before it closed down
Retail Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $12.30
Number of Pages: 344
Synopsis: The land is her comfort, yet it can't satisfy her. The ocean is dark and dangerous, yet it beckons her home. Her heart is torn in two, yet it pulses stronger than ever. Better take cover. A tempest is brewing...
On land...
Tempest Maguire loves her California coastline home. Surfing the killer waves. taking care of her brothers and dad. Loving her longtime boyfriend, Mark. But the weight of her secret is pulling her under, toward the ocean's ever-growing call.
Among the waves...
Tempest's secret? She is half mermaid, a legacy left by her absent mother, who returned to the ocean many years ago. And now Tempest has her own choice to make. Complicating matters is Kona, an enigmatic newcomer whose otherwordly abilities hint at a shared passion and common secrets.
Beyond the sea...
but there is more at stake besides Tempest's heart and her identity-her life may be in danger too. Because the waters hide a mysterious and dark secret world of their own, one full of sweeping romance and thrilling adventure-but one where nobody, least of all Tempest, is safe.
Stars: ★★★★★
Review: Sooooo.... I loved this book. Really loved this book. I didn't like this book at first... I feel like I say that about a lot of books. It's rare when I like a book right off. It needs to be intriguing and beautifully written from the first word for me to absolutely love it from the beginning. Lately there is only one book that I have read that qualifies, however books can redeem themselves. It just means I have to read a couple of pages before I can get into it. I diverted. :) Well, to say the least once I read a few pages in, I loved it. Now, with that said, there were a few things that irritated me about the book.
Tempest's character is very interesting, but I did not think they would just come right out with that little mermaid bit. I thought they would drag it out a little while before anything was explained. I guess I was wrong. I was actually prepared for a little of a build up before that scene came to play. I think it kind of took away a little from the plot. I know it was something in the synopsis, but it's something that I think is important to build up for. It's the main part of the story line and it was like "Poof".
Secondly, I hate Mark. I really do. I think he's a jerk and I don't like how the book attempts to down play the jerkiness. Yes, jerkiness. There is something about his aloofness and possessiveness that just irritates me. Now let me be clear. A man being possessive over the one he loves, I find adorable, but when he gets animalistic about it? That's just irritating.
With that said, you can probably guess what team I root for. Kona! I love Kona. He's special. Literally. He has a secret to him similar to Tempest's. He does get possessive like Mark, but he's a little more suave about it.
Now let me tell you a story of while I was reading this book. So I had been reading for a few hours on a pretty quite Saturday, when I got to page 159. Now in the book, nothing special about this page, unless your reading my book. HALF OF THE PAGE WAS RIPPED OUT!!! Do you know how much I freaked out. It went from silent to my yelling on the top of my lungs. To top it off this is where everything is starting to build up to the big scene. I wasn't happy. This would mean I bought the book ripped. Moral of the story is check your books before buying them. Learn from my mistakes please!
"Bathed in shades of violet, she comes in the dark.
Power unrecognized, half human, half mar.
Born in lightning, anointed in tears,
Magic abounds, while its painful heat sears.
The battle draws ever closer and one side will fall.
Good and evil collide, once and for all,
The victor uncertain, as fate evens the scales.
A winter storm's coming, a dark night's tale-
A Tempest rising, without fail."
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